A&S Competitions and Displays

Hosted by Dona Ilhuicacihuatl de Xochimilco, called Yzma. Please direct questions or concerns to scayzma@gmail.com

My Year In Marinus

A celebration of the citizens of Marinus! This special display space will be for the artisans of Marinus to show their growth and development in their craft over the course of the last year. Noncompetitive, documentation not required by appreciated. 

Scroll Blanks for the Incoming Baronage

Support the work of our incoming baronage by crafting a blank scroll for future award recipients. Inspiration for design and style of the artwork may be taken from the various Baronial Awards, feature baronial colors or coordinate with the personas and style of our incoming leadership. Competitive, documentation not required but appreciated. 

 A loyal partner, once discovered

Love, given in words. Display with a poem in any pre-17th century style and share your work at our poetry salon. Noncompetative, documentation not required by appreciated.

Non-European Showcase

Sponsored by A&S Baronial Champion, Dona Yzma. A showcase of works and research based on cultures outside of Western Europe - Asia, Africa, or The Americas in period. Works may take any form, as long as they attempt an accurate recreation of a non-European culture. Examples might include jewelry, foodstuffs, needlework, research papers, etc. Competitive, documentation required. 

Open Display

Please feel free to bring current projects for noncompetitive, open display! If your work has large or unusual space requirements (it can't just be laid out prettily on a table), please contact Dona Yzma ahead of the event.